Serving Beyond Our Walls

Second Saturdays are the easiest way to get involved in serving the local community. Every campus hosts monthly experiences to serve nursing home residents, people experiencing homelessness, at-risk kids, and more. Search our directory to find out which projects are coming up.

Our whole church rallies together one Saturday in July to tackle projects in the community. From painting at a women’s shelter to packing gifts for first responders, there is an opportunity for you to make an impact!

Giving can be a great way to serve. There are lots of ways to give: you can give a little and still make an impact, like during our "Dollar Club" weekends, give to a specific initiative, or give to the overall mission of CedarCreek.

Participating in an Outreach Group is a great way to combine your passion with service to the community. Check out our directory to see what projects are scheduled.

We partner with and support local churches in places like Costa Rica and Honduras as they work to meet the spiritual and physical needs in their own communities.

About Mission Trips
Make a global impact and grow personally on a mission trip with CedarCreek.
Since 1998, CedarCreek Church has been on a mission to introduce people to Jesus and make a positive impact both locally and globally. Mission trips help us spread his message and provide compassion and support to communities abroad.
Each trip is unique. In general, they include three components: serving, building relationships, and sharing how trusting Jesus changes everything. These activities take place through anything from educational programs for children to building homes for families. Review the trip descriptions for details.
An openness to learning
Our goal is to go as learners, not experts; as partners, not dictators; as encouragers, not critics.
Funds to cover your trip costs
We will help you develop ways to raise support.
Participation in a Mission Trip Group
This group experience will help prepare you for your trip and provide opportunities for your team to develop relationships with one another before the trip begins.
Plans change often on trips. Learning to adapt to each other and the people we serve alongside will only enrich your experience.
No, if CedarCreek Church is not your home, and you’re not sure where you are on your spiritual journey, we welcome you. We simply ask that you join a Mission Group and participate in all of the required steps.

“I went on my first mission trip when I was in high school, and was instantly hooked. I have been on several since, including leading trips to Honduras and Costa Rica through CedarCreek. I believe that God does something special when people serve outside of their comfort zone. He teaches us things that can only be taught in this environment. I cannot wait to see what He has in store for us this year.”
CedarCreek Mission Trip Leader
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